Saturday 4 August 2012

The Way Back (2010)

The Way Back. I watched this movie on cinema 2 years ago, actually tak expect untuk tengok cerita ni, sebab masa tu movie macam tak banyak choice sangat, so we know nothing about this movie & fortunately, it is an amazing movie.

Aku dah lama cari balik DVD movie ni, tak jumpa-jumpa! Aku sanggup beli yang original kalau ade, tapi tak jumpa joge. Until few days ago, tah macam mana termasuk satu kedai "cetRoms" kat ss15 ni, takde niat nak membeli pun, terjumpa cerita ni aku terus ambik & beli!

This film is about a group of prisoners who escape from Siberian Gulag camp during World War II. The amazing part is, they walked from Siberia to India, jalan kaki wey! KIte jalan kaki sejam pun dah mengah, ni diorang bejalan kaki for more than 4000 miles. Kalau tak silap aku lah, mengikut calculation kasar, 4000 miles might equal to 15 hours flight, if I'm not mistaken lah.. just amagine, how far they have walked.

This movie considered as a silent movie, maksud aku.. dialog dia tak banyak, tapi it plays with your emotions. I cried for few scenes ;

when one of the friend died in heavy snow, just right in front of them
when the girl help Mr.Smith to clean his wound
when the artist died
when the girl died
when they finally reached India

Another amazing part of this movie is on how they survive, how they able to be creative, & how a simple thing can make them happy.

Even though, 2nd time aku tengok film ni & it is a 3 hours movie... but the thrill is still there & I would definitely watch this movie again.

I really loves World War's movies, I have watched few of them, & it teaches you how to appreciate life.

*Apasal aku tetibe review movie pulak ni? lol