view I captured while did the loOong walking :) |
Aku tak pasti trip ni sebenarnya 4 hari ke 5 hari ke atau 6 hari, hahaha!
To summarize the trip; I go to work, after work straight to airport, 5 days later I took eaaarly flight back to KL & straight to office. hehe~
Penangan annual leave dah negative, so hanya bergantung pada cuti public holiday. Mujur ada long weekend; 2 public holiday (Maulidul Rasul & Bday Sultan Selangor), so dapatlah hadiahkan birthday trip kepada diri sendiri :-)
Tahun lepas sebenarnya aku bercita-cita untuk ke Sapporo region pulak for my 2016's birthday, tapi memandangkan currency yang amat dasyat (last time I went was times 3, now it's times 4! So I decided to choose Kota Kinabalu, Sabah as an alternatives, tempat lain pun mahal dah akhir-akhir tahun ni so kite cuti-cuti mesia sahaje pun oke :)
I decided to grab MAS flight ticket instead of AA, sebab timing-timing macam ni harganya lebih kurang jer, at least MAS dapat in flight entertainment & makan free, horey~!
Day 1 (9/12/16) Friday
- Finish work, walk to Paradigm to fetch 7.30 pm Aerobus to KLIA
- Arrive KLIA 9.15 (uhh I'm late, bad traffic on Friday)
- Flight depart to KK at 10.15 pm
- Arrive KK around 1 am, my friend pick me at airport, yay~!
*masa kat airport KLIA ada kejadian kelakar, aku punyalah panic terlambat sampai airport sebab jalan jem & I'm not familiar with KLIA airport, so tengah blur-blur tu terserempak dengan my Paktam, lalu paktam pun bantulah aku yang panic ni & tetibe dapat duit pocket hahaha lucky me that day.
Day 2 (10/12/16) Saturday
- Breakfast with Azri!
- Took public van to Kundasang & it's me time! =D (+- 2 hours & half journey)
- Reach Kundasang, check in to my Mt. Kinabalu Lodge
- Power nap (tak cukup tido malam tadi bersembang, uhh~)
- Evening walk try to check out Kinabalu Park (which was a stupid idea, on the way back it's already dark :O)
- Eat my vege dinner & sleep early :)
*staff at lodge not really helpful, they are nice people, but maybe diorang ni shy kot, semua soalan tanya mesti dijawab dengan jawapan yang flat dan negatif, hahah I hate this. But I loove this lodge ambiance, very into nature. At nite it full with beautiful moths!
Day 3 (11/12/16) Sunday
- From lodge walk to Kinabalu Park to check on public transportation (2km)
- Decided to walk to Kundasang city 9 km haha
- Decided to walk to Desa Dairy Farm, another 5 km
- Balik (another 5 km walk, phew) & ate my KFC kemenangannn wuhoo~
- Head back to lodge by bus (kena paw RM10, cry~)
- Chill at my lodge balcony
- Power nap, eat light dinner, pre packed & sleep around 1230 am
*I had 1 of the best walking experience trip today (24km!), Mount Kinabalu was so generous to me today, it shows up the whole day! how lucky am I today :D
*But I hate dogs along all the way, I mean I love dog, but all this 'jaga' dog so scary want to chase me away, I'm glad I carry my whistle all the time, just in case.
*I met a lovely malay family from KL! With 2 kids, they are very adventurous & happy go lucky family, the wife (Kak Ita? kot) is an interior designer, she shares about her work & travel experience, so best lah :D
*Oh I met Janny from Canada too, she's hiking Mount Kinabalu! I wish met her earlier, such fun girl to hang out with :)
view while walking |
que untuk ice cream ni half an hour, really? I could walk another 2 km in half an hour |
yeah, I walk, hahah |
But amazing view all the way ;-) |
Day 4 (12/12/16) Monday
- After breakfast check out from Kinabalu Mt. Lodge
- Share transport with my dorm mate Janny to Kinabalu Park (since I'm carrying my bagpack)
- Did my 5 hours @ 3 trail trekking: Kiau View Trail > Timpohon Gate > Silau-Silau Trail
- hop on bus straight to KK (2 hours ride; RM20)
- realise it's not exactly in city, it's in Inanam, took public bus to KK (RM4)
- walk to my Referer Backpacker's place
- sleep early
*Before start trekking, went to HQ to ask around & map. 3 kali aku tanya orang HQ selamat ke trekking sorang-sorang kat sini? diorang semua kata ok je, lepas tu hahaha 1st time aku trek/hike no human in this forest! But with map in my hand & just slowly enjoy the forets, I did it! Gila jugak lah rasa tapi the key is niat & bersangka baik, Insyallah ok :) There are 10 trails to explore, I manage to do 3 :D
*btw exit each trail to jalan tar, a lot's of car will pass by heading to Timpohon lookout point. Ada 1 abang ni masa kat atas dia tegur aku, "dari bawah kau jalan ye, haha kuat", aku pun jawablah "jalan pelan-pelan ok boleh" :) kekeke
*today Mount Kinabalu decided to hide from me..huhuhu dia merajuk aku tak betul-betul panjat dia kot (cost awak tu mahal sangattt) but it's ok, nanti kita jumpa lagi :)
*to take bus to KK from Kinabalu Park, just wait across the Park, bus/van will pass by every hour after 12 noon. If you don't know how, just ask, orang teksi Sabah ni semua sangat generous in helping you with transport information :D
*when I was waiting for the bus, I met a Japanese guy who speaks Sabahan, haha aku confuse jap nak bersembang dengan dia dalam bahasa ape
*when I was in Inanam, I was very blur because bus drop me in the middle of no where. So I decided makan first. Punya blur sampai taktau nak order makan, pakcik tu gelak tanya,"kau ni nak makan apa...?" haha. That kedai pekerja dia macam orang alim-alim, tapi sangat ramah & baik & tunjuk jalan how to take public bus to KK :)
*interesting my dorm mate all 3 girls from China, they greet me "welcome to China" haha! friendly & nice, but a bit difficult to chat in english.
*I caught in another uncomfortable incident today, my backpackers place is great! but they have dog as a pet T_T aku takut lah dia jilat aku ke apee, so I decided to bersedih di atas katil (cannot enjoy my hostel lodge area) & tido awal. But next morning, pekerja lodge sediakan breakfast free untuk aku, so rasa sejuk sikit hati ni, hehe.
Breakfast in Kinabalu Lodge & YES I bring my favorite cereal from home! haha |
melecet? don't care, keep on going |
Kinabalu menyorok, hoho |
hujan time balik, thanks to my windbreaker & the forest shades :) |
My 2nd hostel, on a bright side, breakfast was simple but enough to makes me happy :-) |
Day 5 (13/12/16) Tuesday
- Take my time & enjoy my free breakfast :-)
- Around 10 am walk to jetty, tapao some food for lunch
- Took boat +- 11 am ( 2 islands return tix ; RM 35)
- To Manukan Island (I practically just chill & just berangan here, haha)
- At 1 pm to Mamutik Island (I snorkle & then I sleep at the beach, lol)
- 4pm boat back to city
- Check in other hostel at Borneo Backpackers
- Seafood dinner with Aphik sampai kembung haha
- Did my last minute shopping
- Kopi with Azri till 1 am hahaha (wei esok flite pagi la gilee)
- Back to my hostel, packing, I slept at hostel's hall hehe
*Island hopping was easy! I didn't plan to go for snorkling at all for this trip, I'm glad my friend suggested & guide me. BTW, I don't know how to swim, pat on my shoulder with help of the life jacket, I able to snorkle alone by myself (alah ada guard, so konfiden cikit,huhuhu) dalam jugak wo~
*Aphik was my long time friend since I was 15! I have not met him for the past 10 years, thanks to fb post update, few hours later we texted & he belanja me makan, kekeke
*I switch my hostel, this place's bed a bit old, but I lovee it~ so homely! & they have 1 friendly cat accompany me ;-) I wish I stayed here longer
Sleep on the sand? why not~
seafood timeee |
kehidupan city kejap, hehe |
My 3rd hostel! Jelmaan Lulu. Hall was so comfy for sleep! |
Bawah hostel ada cafe/bar ni, tak sempat cuba, huhu |
Day 6 (14/12/16) Wednesday
- 5.15 Azri pick me up (bertabahlah kawannn) & send me to airport, yay~
- arrive KLIA 9 am, light breakfast
- took Aerobus to Paradigm at 10 am
- 11 am reach Paradigm
- 11.30 am straight back to work, yipey~!
1st Day - Hibernate (hehe)
2nd Day - Power Walk to Kundasang
3rd Day - Kinabalu Park Trekking
4th Day - Island hopping
I cover from the mountain area, to the island & to the city! Not bad for a Birthday trip for this year! Ini lah kelebihan berjalan solo, kau no plan & just go with the flow. Kalau sakit, kau yang cari penyakit tu, so nak marah sape pun tak boleh, melainkan maki diri-sendiri, kekeke.
From mountain to the Sea~ gambar bawah lepak bersama Bossned hahahah |
Kawan-kawan & orang local yang ramah, banyak guide & tolong. So do other travellers that I met; that Germany lady who hold my hands while crossing the streets, Janny who offer me to share her ride, strangers who chase out the dogs for me, just to name a few.
Bertabahlah Azri jadi mangsa melayan aduan domba aku selama di KK, haha kelakar pulak dah 3 tahun berturut-turut minggu birthday je jumpa Azri. Bak kate Azri, separuh kehidupan friendship (15 tahun, fuh) padahal orang Penang keje KK, tak penah pulak aku visit dia kat Penang. Bulan May haritu short course dekat Adelaide, konon aku nak ambik kesempatan melawat, tapi memandangkan tiket amatlah mahal, aku pun melencong arah ke Perth haritu, hehehe. Elok lah tu aku melawat Azri tahun ni, dah nak +-6 tahun kot dia keje sini, aku dok postpone dari 5 tahun yang lepas, so rasa ok 1 checklist dah settle yass! Haih mana lagi kawan-kawan lain yang merantau ni, nak ambik kesempatan travel sendiri plz, hehehe.
Beli ni je kbye~ |
So 2016 agak cemerlang, start my new year with Miri, Sarawak & end my year trip with Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, yayyy~! Till Then!