Semalam (16th May 2015) tak plan pun nak kesini sebenarnya, panjang ceritanya, haha.
Ceritanya, yang aku teringin nak makan dekat A Pie Thing, padahal it just at my previous office area je but takdak sapa nak pi teman (pernah cuba masuk & keluar balik, pathatic, ahaha) coz I want to try all flavorrrs, food-food macam ni takkan nak makan sorang-sorang, tak gembira lah, hehe, kebetulan Sal pun teringin nak cuba the pie, so, setelah berbulan-bulan lamanya nak tunggu masing-masing free, kebetulan we oll free this weekeend, & Aina pun free jugak, so lets! ^_^
So, aku fikir, alang-alang 3-3 available this weekend, why not we go for nature somewhere around selangor area, sebab aku dah rindukan peluh & nature :\ Aku tak berapa pandai port mana yang best, so I just suggest a convenience location, which is FRIM, mandi sungai perhaps? Semua say "jom", so aku teringat Syikin & Aisyah, why not try ajak (sebab schedule depa ni lain sikit) & kebetulan Syikin pun coti, horey~!
Since it just a laid back plan, malas nak rushing, let's have a laid back Saturday..kami gerak around pukul 9.30 am. Aina so nice pack nasi lemak for us, yay! Sal bring some sandwich, saya ajk pengangkutan, today I drive sebab aku yang tukang rancang kan, hehe, Syikin my co-pilot :)
Jumpa je semua, tetiba terkeluar topik "Weyh betul ke kita nak mandi sungai ni?", sebab aku risau gak, sungai kat FRIM tu macam sendu sikit..haha.."Sal tau jalan sungai lain yang best tak?", "I tak tau jalan, tapi Sungai Chilling macam best,"semua excited dan setuju, so kitorang redah je berpandukan google map ^o^
hidup lebih ceria dengan gopro cik Sal, kah! |
Sungai Chilling terletak di kawasan Kuala Kubu Baru, perjalanan dari Klang ke Sungai Chilling mengambil masa 1 jam 30 minit. Aku suka bila dah masuk kawasan KKB ni, banyak bukit bukau & cantik! A good spot for a short road trip :)
yeay dah berjaya sampai! |
Once we reach Sungai Chilling, kena register & bayar entrance fee RM1/head. Sungai Chilling ni is a fish sanctuary? So you can also buy fish food RM2/pack at the counter. Beli lah, why not contribute a little to preserve our nature ;) & don't forget, kalau hiking or ke sungai, bawak plastik bag sampah sendiri tau :-)
To reach the air terjun, kena trekking +-1 jam untuk ke port. Sungai Chilling best, bagi aku something different, sebab kena rentas 6 sungai. Air paras sampai pinggang ok, so aku suggest samada korang nak pakai sandle, kasut getah atau a good sport shoe yang comfy bila masuk air, sebab air agak deras, unless korang rajin nak bukak pakai kasut 6 kali, hahah. *actually 1st sungai kami bukak kasut, 2nd sungai malas nak pakai stokin balik, 3rd sungai kami celup je kasut kami dengan redha, haha.
1st rentasan kat entrance pakai jembatan |
tengah banyak energy, Sal malas nak layan, kahkah |
ala-ala training untuk trail running sambil mengunyah buah apple, lol! |
1 hour trek to reach waterfall |
weyh! dah tak payah bukak kasut lah! mak penat! lulz! |
haha kena rentas 5 sungai macam ni ha! |
Once we reach the air terjun, ramainya manusia, I feel like I am at the Sunway Lagoon, wakaka. But the view, worth the trekking! :) :D
Sungai Chilling |
cuti-cuti Selangor, selamat datang |
wahhh Sunway Lagoon! hahahah |
Sebab ramai sangat orang, so kami just snap picture & decided untuk cari port jauh sikit
untuk picnic & mandi-manda :) Nasi lemak Aina bawak adalah bintang
kami untuk hari ini, walaupun dia bawak 1 bekas je, hahah!
#simplehappiness #lupanaksnap #bcozitastesodamngood
kami pilih port ni! |
free spa :D |
feeding the fish, semua tempat ikannya banyak macam ni! |
Best mandi sini, air deras sikit, but you can feed the fish while mandi-mandi, swim with the fish gitu. Around 2.30 pm, dah puas mandi-manda, kami bersiap-siap untuk pulang. On the way nak trekking balik, dengar bunyik guruh, so memang kena balik sangat-sangat ni. Just keep note that, kalau tak hujan pun air dah deras, imagine bila masa hujan, tak galakan sangat.
*berikut adalah gambar peserta Sungai Chilling Next Top Model, hahahaha
ok dah puas mandi nak balik! |
ready to rentas 5 sungai sekali lagi! |
goodbye Sungai Chilling, terima kasih :) |
Sekitar pukul 4.30 pm, kami gerak ke Damansara, hey of course, agenda A Pie Thing harus diteruskan, hahah! *this pie better taste good!hurm! Gigih we'oll.
So we reach A pie Thing around 6.30 pm, masing-masing lapar gila! Aku terpaksa kawal keadaan, jangan rakus sangat nak order sampai 6 bijik pai, sebab A Pie Thing offer selections of pie from savoury to dessert, tapi kami nak semuaaaa dan kami laparrrr~! Sebjik pie dah la harga +-RM11, bawak bertenang semua, haha. So I suggest, why not we order 2 savoury & 2 dessert first, kalau tak cukup, bole sambung makan kat uptown hawker food, senang! hehe
Surprisingly the pie are so sedappp~! Kami order
Lamb Pie, Mushroom & Chicken, Elvis (peanut butter & banana), & Apple Crumble. I order latte, latte dia pun tak menghampakan, perfect pairing with all the pie ;D yommz~!
tu terlupa Aina ni tak makan fruits yang dimasak, tapi sebab pie tu
sangat sedap, Aina makan both Elvis & apple crumble. Even Sal says
it taste good! fyi dia pandai baking-baking stuff. So kalau a food
nutritionist (Aina), and a baker (Sal) pun cakap sedap, Syikin pun makan
sambil emmm emmm emm.. & we all dance every time we scoop the pie
in our mouth, so it means it taste really really good! & as what I
mention earlier, these are happy food that taste better when you share
with friends :)
yummzzz~! |
yay makan, finally~! |
The Pie lamb is the winner out of all the pies (my selection) ahaks. So I guess, it's not an overated hipster cafe after all *bare this in mind, that kami baru balik dari mandi dari sungai, mungkin faktor lapar ada effect taste bud kami sikit-sikit, lol!
After enjoying the pies, semua dah kenyang, see I told you guys, cukup order 4 dulu! We got main course & dessert in a pie *smirk* & we laugh the whole time during the pie session sampai buat lawak "ada ganja ape dalam pie ni wey! hahahah!" So we call those pies are
Happy Pies :'D Sal even said,"I nak cari tukang masak pie ni, & hug her/him, coz it taste so good", "ha'ah kan, thank you for making us see the rainbow again", hahaha ok kitorang ni exegerate sangat, haha!
When I was in the car earlier, I mentioned about another 1 hipster ice-cream shop that I wanted to try, the
Softserve, so lepas eat the pie, Syikin suggest jom kita try that Ice cream, yeayyy~! Masa nak keluar kedai A Pie Thing, Syikin still staring at athe pastry case with a sad face sebab dia tak boleh nak move on! hahaha!
Gula-gula kapas tinggi sampai ke mata~! |
So we walk from A Pie Thing to Softsrve (+-1 km) because feel guilty of eating those sinful food, lol, haha ok at the same time, I actually enjoy walking at damansara utama area macam masa kerja dulu ;] At Softsrve we order
cotton candy with nestum flavor Ice Cream, happy food sangat presentation ice cream ni, hihi, so just order 1 & share 4 of us, pun dah cukup, the nestum ice cream & texture was so good! Next time can try the churros pulak. *btw, masa nak keluar dari kedai ni pun, Syikin was still starring at other peoples' ice cream, dia masih tak boleh move on, hahah!
So we walk back to the car, & drive back home, what a productive weekend, feeling-feeling tourist sangat. We manage to go for a trekking/air terjun picnic & cafe hopping on the evening. Good work-out, good nature, good day for driving, good food & the most important, good bunch of people!
#starbuckspartner #sb035 rawks~ I love your guys spirit of randomness! Hope to repeat this kinda trip again, thank you gaiiisss~ :D
till then, looking forward for more adventure in the future! Thank you gaiiss :-) |
~The End~
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