Whoop~! Laptop aku dah di reformat, well hello El Capitan! Tapi..tapi...symptom restart dia masih ada, haha takpelahhhh jom pakai dulu apa yang boleh dipakai sebelum hantar kedai balik, contohnya seperti update catitan di blog pada hari cuti mengejut ini #eh
So yeah, since it was my Birthday, normally I always faced unfortunate event during my Birthday (either workplace or family, not the kinda family who celebrates birthday, pernah kena marah lagi ada; no I can't let it go) so I decided to give it a twist this time. If bad thing happen, hey, at least I am in Singapore & on my #travelingmode. Because I know, I am on my most positive & problem solving mode when I travel.
Kebetulan, company aku baru kerja ni, gives extra leave on your birthday, aannnd my Birthday falls on Friday, I feel so lucky sebab jarang bernasib baik ni, hahaha. Jadi, kita kena gunakan peluang ni sebaik-baiknya! Another cheat trip; because last minute and ticket ke tempat lain mahal, so let's try Singapore within allocated budget. So let's celebrate my 28th and #roarinsingapore :D
This time I took midnight Jet Bus from TBS to KLIA2, flight aku 6 am, in the morning, aku malas nak fikir, so I decided to sleep at airport. Luckily as usual I check in earlier, I can sleep inside. You know what..sleeping at KLIA2 airport is kinda not bad (*walaupun kerusi dia not sleeping friendly berlekuk2) but as long as I bring my pillow neck, I'm good~
*btw, since slept at Haneda airport, I love the idea of going to the airport at wee hour, I will walk alone when everyone are asleeps, it's like time moves very slow~ and peaceful~ wow.. I am really that mudah terhibur kinda person am I? huhu.
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Have you ever notice how fascinated KLIA2's bumbung is? ahaha |
Day 1: Friday (4/12/15)
Birthday celebration starts at 4 am this year, wuhhoo~! Ready to go to boarding gate to leaveeee this country (Singapore jer pun~ lol). Morning flight was good.
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Super cool arriving view~! my Battleship kinda morning :) Thank you AA bagi I sit kat tingkap, twice <3 |
Once arrive, I purposely do a "No plan" day today, it's a me time, I want to get lost by myself, naik train, chill, walk randomly, simply doing nothing, no rush. I even take my sweet time once arrive at Changi airport. Yang lawak tu, bajet local, aku menonong ikut minah ni jalan kaki, ingatkan dia nak pi MRT station, rupanya dia nak pi keje, haha, waklu~
Ok from Changi airport, if you wanna go to the MRT station, just take the Sky Train & it's freeeee~ This is my 3rd time to Singapore but 1st time take flight, I purposely take flight because; First, price was only RM20 different compare dengan bus fare. Second is, base on 1 of Anthony Bourdain's show, he mentioned Changi is 1 of the best airport in the world. Is it true? Well.. I will explore it on my 3rd day. It took approximately 40 minutes train to the city & cost you +- 2 SGD? that 's is consider efficient & cheap my friend! Imagine dari KLIA2 nak balik ke rumah, uhh..pening kepala aku memikir masa dan cost, 3 bus, haha!
By the way, on my way to the skytrain, I was distracted by this Kinetic Rain installation, funny why I was the only one who stares..at this.. don't you guys thing this is so beautiful an amazing? I'm sure I did not tak any weed~ promise~ lol *ok I just discover it was there since 2012, but hey, base on Youtube comment, they are people who still in love with this installation 3 months ago, just like me, lol
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source from Google sebab tak pandai ambik gambar :-P Below source from Youtubeee |
Earlier when I was at the airport, I ask the tourist information, what is the nearest MRT station to the Arab Street, & she answered, "the nearest station is Bugis station, but if you want to walk, it is really really far", with attitude ok! Aku macam annoyed pulak, how far can it be, dulu rase takde lah jauh sangat, so I was being sarcastic purposely ask her "so what would you suggest, If I want to go to the Arab Street?", she replied "taxi" & in my heart was like, whooa! wrong answer women! Taxi is for old people & lazy traveller, not for me. What the hack, I took the MRT to Bugis station anyway, & I walk, base on google map text direction, it just within 15 minutes walk, amendee lah yang jauh sangat, konfem awak ni jenis malas exercise, hewhew~
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random mural on the street |
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Hello Arab Street so we meet again :) |
Here we are again... the Shophouse the Social Hostel. I was hereeee 2 years agooo when they just opened. At first I wanted to avoid the place, because I had a bad Singapore experience during my previous trip, but....dueee to the location wiseee & masa nak book tengah promo lah pulak RM51, murahhh last time I book RM75 kot, currency padahal tengah 2.5 lagi masa tu. This is bloody cheap & I have to admit I love this hostel, & their interior dah semakin cool & they even open a cafe now :'D So I said to myself, "Nash..it just a place to sleep", so I shall give it a 2nd chance, bukan salah hostel tu pun..huu.
So again.. my Birthday, aku taknak sape-sape kacau aku harini, I've been longing, looonginggg to walk aimlessly alooongg Bugis Street, whyyy it took 2 years for me to realise this simple dream.. because I am not allowed to travel alone? kena tunggu orang? So this time I am on my rebel mode, I'm gonna do what I want to do by myself for myself.
My initial plan to walk from Arab Street towards Bugis street and continue to Orchird Road. Sounds ambitious? not really, I google map, it was approximately 42 minutes walks. But haha.. I know I will get a lot's of distractions (girls problem *smirk*).
Before I start my walking trip, I reward myself a good cuppa coffee at the hostel's cafe called [Working Title], since they offer 20% discount on all meal & bev for hostel customer, my good cuppa latte only cost me 4 SGD, & it was a good one, I can tell :) I wish I can hang out there more because now they furnish it with a cool interior, a very nice hang out place, ohh..& demmm tak sempat nak try the dessert & pastries due to my pack trip schedule, lulz.
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Cool cafe area at the back that I have not see before :) Source from Google |
I start walking late, I love Arab Street, ada banyak small indie shops, really really my thang~ memang distracted habis, huhu.. Kedai-kedai kat sini macam tertutup je kan, but actually just masuk jerr~ seronok cuci mata cari idea. I wanted to buy something (despite it is expensive due to our currency) but I put on hold first.
I continue walk towards Bugis street, funny incident happen, a stranger ask me for direction padahal akupun clueless sukmo, lol. Rupanya dia pun orang Mesia! A MAS stewardess pulak waaahh.. named Amy, comel sangat, aku tanya mana colleague dia? rupanya dia pun ada misi sama dengan aku, nak jalan sorang-sorang sebab pening ikut orang, haha! So we split at 1 street and say good luck & good bye to each other :)
Ok lah, malas nak cite panjang,so what did I manage to squeeze in on my 1st day walking trip?
Arab Street shop hopping (mentioned earlier)
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Nak pegi, tak sempat, "One Day~!" |
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hey! that's my quote! simple happiness ^_^ |
Walked to numerous random shopping mall & just enjoy the street
Terjumpa pulak Singapore National Design Centre so I visit it and it's FREEE~!
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Whaatt~? only me here? jom lari-lari dalam studio, lulz |
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Oldskool stuff we got here |
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Owh idea! *smirk* |
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Till then! Hope to see you again! Thank you :) |
Next, I awe at a 10 meters tall Giant Paper Xmas Tree in Millenia Walk Mall.
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sebenarnye aku tengah aim mister ni amik kan gambar aku.. so aku pun duduk dalam pokok krismas sama2, lepas tu dia macam annoyed dan belah.. saya sedih.. hahah |
Getting lost at the Fountain of Wealth, confuse with all 5 Suntec Towers! They all looks the same! I have a broken handphone & don't have a wifi & only rely on a physical map, please give me credit for this, hahaha! *Ok I did not take picture here, because I was so looOost, hahah!
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*pic from Google, just to show how identical the building were, ahaha |
Pass by another art event; Singapore: Inside Out and it was FREEEEE toooo~!
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my favourite installation sebab boleh makan free coklat, hahahah! |
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coolios thing, it's mechanical & plays music |
Walk back to Arab Street sebab tadi tak puas, hihi.. So purposely stroll on the street again :-) There's a shop with a cat, umaigaddd comelnyaaa terus peluk sampai kena sound dengan tuan kedai, uhh.. but..but.. the cat bag me to hug him ;/ Sorry cat..
Once I reach hostel, aku rasa lunyai gila, sebab tido tak betul dan jalan berkilo-kilo, lulz, so I feel like nak lepak kat rooftop jap before ke bilik. Bummed into 3 Brazillian friends, Breno, Rafa & Trish. Mula-mula aku nak buat "leave me alone" mode (*sebab aku sangat penat & have to meet a friend at 9 pm) tapi, 1 of them senyum & say 'Hi', tiba-tiba terbesembang pulak nak sampai 2 jam, hahaha! Si Trish ni pun pulak Graphic Designer jugak, wahaaa what a kebetulan!
Then balik bilik, take shower, I suppose to meet a CS friend, but just 2 of us, so macam tak sedap lah, CS meet ni seronok & selamat bila ramai-ramai sebenarnya, lepas tu kebetulan I met those 3 Brazilian friends again! hehey! So aku pun angkut lah 1 kampung pi pekena Tulang Merah kat Mile Complex.
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the only pic I took, sedap, tapi aku takut dia terpelanting! lulz! |
Everyone were very happy dapat good food. Lepas tu tak sangka pulak nak drag kami 1 kereta pi Marina Bay Sand, hahaha..sebenarnya aku dah malas nak pi sini.. dah 3 kali, tapi sebab harini dengan kawan-kawan baru, layan je lah..hehe best jugak.
Tiba-tiba terkeluar pulak topik umur masing-masing berapa, so aku terkrik-krik kejap.. "emm..actually guys...today is my Birthday, this is my Birthday Trip", they were like, NO! NooOOo!
Hahaha Yeahh~! SO everyone gives me a hug, awwww~ Haha terharu pulak raso.. what a meaningful birthday ever, celebrates dengan strangers.
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Heyyy thank you guysss... bilakah agaknya aku nak dapat bonus yang besar untuk pergi ke Brazil? yeppa! un dos tres! |
After penat melihat kawasan Marina Bay Sand, it was fun & we had a good laugh, kami pun pulang ke pangkal jalan. We saw sooo many things and realise we have so little time, so we keep on repeating we wanted to do this & that "1 day" or "tomorrow" #insidejokes
Sampai Hostel pun dah pukul 12.30 malam, ingat nak terus tido, tapi perot aku lapar balik la puleks.. Mujur bawak Mee Sedap, pi pantry..hai diorang letak roti la pulak... memandangkan esok aku kena keluar hostel before 8.00 am for MacRitchie trekking, confirm tak sempat makan brekfast hostel (starts at 8.30 am), so dengan tanpa segan silu aku pun balun lah roti kat pantry tu, siap buat roti bakar, ahahaha!
Tiba-tiba, 1 of hostel staff datang melepak kat rooftop, ahahaha aku sambung bersembang lagi.. sampai pukul..3 pagi to almost 4 ahaha what is thisss.. "T_T But I really enjoy the chat tho, hope to see Ifa again on my next visit :)
Finally~ end of my 1st Day.. Hey~ that is a loooong & a good one, yeay~ ^_^
*owh btw, did I mentioned, the weather today was being so so nice to me.. . It was cloudy the whole day~ just cloudy no rain, a very nice day for a walk. Thank You ;-)
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